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Selfless Dedication Boundless Love
Time:2024-07-24 09:39 From:Unknown Click: times


On May 23rd, the inaugural "Jiujiang City Top Ten Virtuous Mothers Selection" award 

ceremony was held at the Chinese Virtuous Mother Garden. After the preliminary and 

final rounds of selection, a total of 10 virtuous mothers and 7 nominees were produced. 

Pan Xining, a member of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the Propaganda 

Department, Liu Guofa, Deputy Director of the Municipal People's Congress, and Xu Yaochun,

 Secretary of the County Party Committee, attended the award ceremony and 

presented awards to the "Top Ten Virtuous Mothers". In this selection, one virtuous mother

 from Jiangzhou Town was listed, and she is Yang Taorong.

Yang Taorong was born in Liuhao Village, Jiangzhou Town in 1951, adopted by Lianzhou

 Village in 1954, and married to her classmate, Zhou Guanshui, who worked in the county cultural troupe,

 in 1973. Cherished by the parents of three families, Yang Taorong has been kind, just, and compassionate since 

childhood. While her husband works outside, she has always stayed in the countryside, 

filial to the parents of three families, and educated her children to grow up.

She is optimistic and strong, generous and benevolent, sowing the seeds of kindness
and positive attitude in her son Zhou Yuyang's heart with her words and deeds;

 she is hardworking, kind, and unpretentious, supporting her son Zhou Yuyang's

 career with her silent dedication;

 she has a heart full of love, understands the great righteousness,

 is strict with herself, and creates a harmonious and warm family for the 35 children

 brought by her son Zhou Yuyang from Guizhou with her actual actions. Just as the song goes, 

"Gave all the love to me, gave the world to me, from then on I don't know the bitterness

 and joy in your heart. She supported a large family of 40 people with her thin arms,

 worked hard and without regrets for her son Zhou Yuyang's career, 

and for the happy growth of these children who are eager to learn,

 a chapter of carrying maternal love to the end is deeply touching.

 The maternal love she interprets is so ordinary, yet so extreme!

In 2008, an earthquake occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan. Her son Zhou Yuyang, who was working in Shenzhen, 

rushed to the disaster area as a volunteer within 26 hours after the

 earthquake to participate in the rescue of the injured.

 In 2009, Zhou Yuyang learned from the Internet that there was a 

public welfare organization recruiting volunteers to go 

to the poor mountainous areas of Guizhou to help with poverty alleviation and education. 

The family came to the ridge of the leek in Guizhou and went to the national poverty 

point - the Shiban Village Primary School in Xingfa Township, Hezhang County, Bijie Area, 

Guizhou, to teach, filling the gap of no fifth and sixth grades in the primary school, and stayed for three years.

Due to the very backward teaching conditions in the mountainous areas of Guizhou, 

these children face the risk of dropping out after graduating from primary school, 

and all children can only go out to work, and girls may have to get married. 

Zhou Yuyang did not want to see these things happen, did not want his three years of efforts to be wasted,

 and told his mother about his confusion. However, Zhou Yuyang knew 

that he could not take out these children by himself, 

and considering that his parents were old, he did not want to disturb their

 leisure life after retirement. When he was hesitating, 

his mother extended a warm arm to him. On July 24, 2012, Zhou Yuyang clearly remembered this day,

 he received a call from his mother: "Yuyang, if you really decide to take

 the children out of the mountain, then you go home,

 I will help you take care of them together." Zhou Yuyang was moved to tears by his mother's simple words.

 It is this maternal love that pointed out the direction for him, supported his progress; 

it is also this maternal love that warned him that the meaning of life 

is not completely in the pursuit of material, but also in dedication, in giving back, in gratitude.

Now, Yang Taorong has to take care of 36 children at home, including her own grandchildren. 

She has to cook nearly forty people's meals every meal, although most of these children are 

not related by blood, but they are all Yang Taorong's children. She doesn't talk about big principles,

 but with a golden heart and a broad mind, 

she takes care of these children with sincere and benevolent practical actions,

 influencing these children.

Such a "good mother" and "good grandmother" ignited herself and illuminated the whole family, 

writing a touching life chapter with meticulous and true love, caring for and helping people in need, 

and extending the responsibility of a mother from a small family to the great love of the world. 

She made the bumpy road of the children's learning because of love and wonderful,

 and she interpreted the extraordinary "maternal love" with ordinary deeds.