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Chinese Virtuous Mother Garden
Time:2024-07-08 08:54 From:Unknown Click: times
     Jiujiang County of Jiangxi Province, deeply attached to mother-themed Chinese culture, is honored by Mothers Day Promotion Association of China as “City of Maternal Love”, for three out of the four honorable mothers in ancient china used to tour and settle down here. Among them, Tao Kan’s mother and Yue Fei ’s mother also died here. Stories go around that Mencius ’s  mother had three times their home resettled and the woven cloth cut in order to better educate her son, Tao Kan’s mother, though poor, sold her long hair to entertain the friend and refused to take bribes from her sons subordinates, Ouyang Xiu’s inspired her son to achieve highly and Yue Fei’s inscribed on her son’s back''Serve the Country with Supreme Loyalty". All the stories reflecting loyalty, gratitude, goodness, affection, politeness, faith and integrity have embedded in the Chinese cultures, from which we Chinese people have benefited much. The virtuous mother-themed park, with culture exhibition, eco-leisure and tourism combined in one, is designed as an education base in which vistors are expected to find their trips here quite rewarding and meaningful. The theme park has such attractions as “One Gate( Gate to Maternal Love), One Sculpture( Mother and Son), One Entrance, Two Roads( Sixian Road and Huaien Road ),Three Plazas( Entrance, Aixin Plaza and Parking Lot )and Four Halls.”