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Time:2024-07-11 09:20 From:Unknown Click: times
    A virtuous mother refers to women who are virtuous, benevolent, wise, and adept at educating their children to become talents. The essence of the culture of virtuous mothers is the maternal education culture that nurtures and instructs, and the family ethics culture where mothers are virtuous and children are filial. The love of a mother is the source of universal love in the world. Mothers set an example with their own actions and should be praised throughout the ages; among the true feelings of the world, the love of a mother comes first, and the culture of maternal love is about calling for true feelings in the world and protecting the first line of defense. The love of a mother is the bond of the family. With the concept of a family, there will be the concept of a country, and the concept of humanity. The culture of maternal love is a necessary premise for transforming a family. Leading and sublimating the great realm of universal love for all living beings with the mother and maternal love, and extending the great mind of gratitude and reciprocation from the starting point of loving and respecting the mother, to build a harmonious world full of love.
   The connotation of the virtuous mother culture.
The essence of the virtuous mother culture is summarized as: virtue, maternal education, tenderness to the young, and benevolence and wisdom.
1. Virtue: Many images of virtuous mothers have their own distinctive features, but the common shining point is that these mothers themselves are virtuous and upright, setting a moral example. From an educational and psychological perspective, a mother is the first teacher in life, and the main virtues and knowledge education of a virtuous mother have a direct impact on the cultivation of their children's personality and temperament.
2. Maternal Education: The main reason why the culture of virtuous mothers has been esteemed for thousands of years lies in the effective methods of maternal education. Confucian philosophy places great emphasis on the internal connection between self-cultivation, family harmony, state governance, and world peace. It believes that a harmonious and stable family is the foundation of social stability and a prerequisite for state governance and world peace, so family education and maternal education are the most important. Mothers teach their children how to behave and live, encourage them to be studious, urge them to achieve academically, and educate them to serve the country. The stories of maternal education in history can be mainly divided into three categories: First, encouraging children to study diligently, such as the story of Meng's mother "cutting the loom to teach her son." Second, teaching children to be "upright and clean" in office, such as Tao's mother refusing the gift of fish paste, Qi Xiang Tian Ji's mother teaching her son to refuse bribes and be an honest and upright gentleman, and Ou's mother instructing Ouyang Xiu to be honest and love the people. Third, teaching children to be "loyal and patriotic," such as Yue Fei's mother, and Wang Ling's mother, etc.
3. Tenderness to the Young: Virtuous mothers educate their children with "tender love" as the foundation. However, this tender love is not indulgence or spoiling, but "guiding them with virtue and righteousness," and "strict supervision." For example, Han, the mother of Liu Zhongying, the Tianping Jiedushi during the Tang Dynasty, "was good at teaching her son, helping Zhongying to be eager to learn since childhood, and once made bear gallbladder pills for him to chew and swallow at night to help with his diligence." The image of a loving mother is vividly portrayed.
4. Benevolence and Wisdom: Most virtuous mothers are both virtuous and talented, with noble character and profound cultural literacy. Although the content of education is basic and may not directly impart many profound pieces of knowledge to young children, the key lies in the mothers' wisdom, always encouraging their children to be studious, urging them to achieve academically, and once the children become talents, they will naturally add spiritual and material wealth to society. In addition, virtuous mothers often influence young children emotionally, which often has a decisive significance in the formation of a person's life values and worldview.