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The "Motherhood as a Model for the World" Theme Pavilion Int
Time:2024-07-03 17:33 From:Unknown Click: times
    The Chinese nation has always held a deep reverence for motherhood. From the ancient myths of "Nüwa creating mankind" and "Nüwa mending the sky," to the odes to motherhood in the "Book of Songs," and to the records of figures like Huaxu, Leizu, Jiang Yuan, and the "Three Greats" in the "Records of the Grand Historian," all express people's worship of motherhood. Since the Western Han dynasty, when the "Biographies of Exemplary Women" and the "Han Shi Wai Zhuan" recorded the five classic stories of Meng Mu's teachings to her son, the culture of virtuous mothers has been esteemed through the ages, and virtuous mothers have emerged in the Chinese history.
The theme pavilion is composed of five parts: "Ancient Historical Traces, Motherly Models for the World, Virtuous Mothers Through the Ages, Contemporary Virtuous Mothers' Elegance, and the Parent-Child Education Platform." Through the display of images, scenes, multimedia, and physical objects, it explains the formation of the concept of virtuous mothers, the connotation of the culture of virtuous mothers, the exemplary teachings of virtuous mothers to their children, and the significant role of virtuous mothers in their children's lives, families, society, and the nation and ethnicity. The aim is to carry forward the culture of virtuous mothers, promote traditional virtues, rectify social customs, and revitalize the country and the nation.