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Introduction to the Martial World of Jin Ge Tie Ma
Time:2024-07-04 09:15 From:Unknown Click: times
National hero Yue Fei was born in the second year of the Chongning era of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty (1103 AD). Under his mother's "care and education," he eventually became a young man who was both literate and martial. In the first year of the Jingkang era (1126 AD), the Jin army launched a large-scale invasion to the south. Carrying the maternal instruction of "loyal to the country," he joined the army to resist the Jin. In the second year of the Shaoxing era (1132 AD), due to his repeated military achievements, he was ordered to garrison the important river town of Jiangzhou on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River (now Jiujiang), and his family was settled in Shimenjian at the foot of Lushan Mountain, and history calls Jiujiang the second hometown of Yue Fei.
The brief introduction of Yue Fei's growth process and main combat experiences in "Jin Ge Tie Ma Yuan" focuses on showing the six major battles commanded by Yue Fei and his outstanding literary talent. It also uses multimedia forms to allow the audience to experience martial arts practice and war games, while understanding Yue Fei's spirit, image, and the fierce battlefield scenes.